Tuesday, April 17, 2012

India to enter ICBM club, Agni-V to be test fired tomorrow

India is going to enter the elite club of nations with Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Agni-V launch scheduled tomorrow from Balasore in Orissa. The 17.5 km long missile with a range of 5,000 km will bring whole of Asia and most of Europe within the striking range of Indian armed forces. The most ambitious of the Indian missile programme, Agni-V is capable of carrying nuclear payload.

Even though India is refraining from naming it an ICBM it is asserting that the missile is adequate to counter the security concern of the country.

Presently, only US, UK, France, China and Russia have the ICBM capabilities. The range of Agni-V is far less than the Chinese Dong Feng missiles with a range of 11,200 km, the missile will be able to hit most of the territory of neighbour in the east.

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