Monday, April 9, 2012

New maintenance shelters for Sukhoi

Following a crash in 2011 and two in 2009 of its air superiority fighter Sukhoi Su-30MKI's and media reports claiming lack of maintenance shelters affecting the winged beauties, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has procured all weather maintenance shelters "to provide protection from environmental hazards and boost the morale of aircraft maintenance crew working on tarmac".

The shelters have been procured for the first time fore the Su-30MKI squadrons. Initially 27 shelters have been procured for two squadrons and another 50 are in final stage of procurement.

Presently, IAF has Sukhoi squadrons in Pune, Bareilley and Tezpur.

Here is a story on Sukhoi safety from the blog - Sukhois winging it on safety

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