Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another wargame in South Western Army Command

Army Statement -Troops of South Western “Sapta Shakti” Command have now built up in the deserts of Rajasthan, to carryout annual summer exercise.  Presently, the formations are practising their battle drills in the designated training areas.    
The collective training started with honing up of basic battle procedures and tactical drills at tactical level.  A number of field firings are being carried out to check the accuracy and lethality of the weapon systems.  A large number of innovations and modifications carried out by units and formations to enhance combat power are being tested in the field.

The momentum of training is gradually building up with increased combat tempo to set the stage for a major joint Army - Air Force exercise. The Exercise SHOORVEER is scheduled to culminate, when Sapta Shakti Command along with Indian Air Force will carryout swift battle manoeuvres and joint operations.

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