Monday, April 9, 2012

Kashmir stable, can deteriorate at short notice: Defence Ministry

As the debate on the repealing of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from Jammu and Kashmir continues, the Defence Ministry in its Annual Report 2011-12 said that the state is "stable" for now, but the security situation can "deteriorate" at "short notice" as Pakistan support to terrorism continues unabated.

The Defence Ministry while assessing the internal security scenario accepted that there has been an "overall reduction in violence" in J&K. "However, it has the potential to deteriorate at short notice. Pakistan's support to the ongoing proxy war continues unabated, the terror infrastructure, both in Pakistan and PoK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir), remains intact. The Pakistan- Terrorist- Separatist nexus continues their attempts to foment trouble with an aim to internationalise the issue," the report added.

56 cases of Ceasefire violations were reported in 2011 as compared to 57 in 2010. 
16 infiltration bids were foiled and 15 terrorists were killed in 2011
95 terrorists were killed, 35 arrested and Army suffered 15 casualties in 2011
A total of 21 terrorist leaders have been neutralised.

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