Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rheinmetall challanges blacklisting in Delhi High Court

This is the statement issued by Rheinmetall Air Defence :

"Rheinmetall Air Defence (RAD), Zurich, is seeking legal recourse against the order debarring the company from doing business with India’s Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) for ten years. RAD had filed a writ petition to this effect in the Delhi High Court, which came up for hearing yesterday.

The company is determined to prove in India’s courts that allegations which led to RAD’s blacklisting in March 2012 are false and that RAD and its employees acted in full compliance with the law.

Notwithstanding its decision to seek redress through India’s legal system, RAD remains committed to a close dialogue with Indian authorities and is ready to cooperate with them in order to clear its name with regard to the blacklisting.

As a matter of principle, RAD binds itself and its employees to strict compliance standards. The company enjoys an excellent track record in meeting these standards in all markets where it operates."

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