Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Arihant gears up for Sea Trials

The outgoing Navy Chief Admiral Nirmal Verma on Tuesday announced that few months from now, the first indigenous nuclear attack submarine INS Arihant (Destroyer of Enemy)  will be put into the Sea for trials.

Here is what he said: "Commissioning of  the nuclear attack submarine INS Chakra on 23rd Jan this year was a momentous occasion, as we are now part of a select group of six nations that operate SSNs. Chakra has added considerable punch to our maritime power and will aid in developing future concepts of naval operations in this very critical sphere. You are aware that the Arihant is steadily progressing towards its operationalisation, and we hope to commence sea trials in the coming months.  Given our unequivocal “no-first-use commitment” a retaliatory strike capability that is credible and invulnerable is an imperative.  The Indian Navy is poised to complete the triad, and our maritime and nuclear doctrines will then be aligned to ensure that our nuclear insurance comes from the sea."

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