Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Restrict Armed Forces officers from joining defence firms for 5 years

In a fallout of the bribery allegations by Army Chief General VK Singh, Parliamentary Panel on defence has recommended debarring retired officers from joining armament companies for the at least five years.

The recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on defence have come after General Singh alleged that a retired Lieutenant General offered him Rs. 14 crore bribe at the behest of a firm to clear an acquisition of heavy duty trucks.

In a report tabled in the Parliament, the committee headed by Congress MP Satpal Maharaj, the Committee expressed its concern at the retired armed forces personnel acting as ''middle-men'' for procurement. Presently the ''cool-off'' period for the defence officers or the period for which they are forbidden to join a defence firm is one year.

''The Committee is of the strong view that the aforesaid period needs to be increased to five years for officers of the rank of Brigaider and above and their equivalents. The urgent initiative in this regard should be taken by the ministry and the committee informed accordingly,” the committee said in its latest report.

The General’s revelations about Lt Gen Tejinder Singh, the former Chief of Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), had created a furore and also underlined the inherent dangers of former defence personnel joining private and foreign defence firms. These officers often lobby on behalf of their employee firm and exploit their contacts with the serving officers. In many a cases these officers can join the firms even before one year with government permission.  

Lt Gen Tejinder Singh, purportedly made the offer to the Army Chief just two months after his retirement on behalf of a foreign firm supplying Tatra trucks to the force. However, both Tejinder Singh and Tatra company have disassociated themselves from each other.

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