Saturday, February 8, 2014

Indian Pilot successfully lands MiG-29K on INS Vikramaditya

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INS Vikramaditya, better known as Admiral Gorshkov - the Russian built Aircraft Carrier - has inched a step closer towards integration with the Indian Navy. The Russian state-owned agency ITAR TASS reported on Saturday that a MiG-29 KUB fighter jet piloted by an Indian Navy pilot made a maiden landing on the deck of INS Vikramaditya.

Quoting Russia's United Shipbuilding Corporation, ITAR TASS said that the second pilot in the two-seater-sea-based MiG-29K was a Russian.

The 45,000 ton INS Vikramaditya has been docking in Indian Naval base Karwar since beginning January.


  1. Welcome back RItu, You were acutely missed!

  2. Hey Ritu, good to see you back. awesome. Looking forward to more writings from you.
